Can pregnant women eat pears?

Pear is hailed as the “wonder of all fruits” and is one of the oldest fruit trees in China. Its sweet and cold, slightly acidic, with heat diuretic, throat blood pressure, pure heart and lungs, antitussive expectorant, thirst and the role of Sheng Jin, can treat pregnancy edema and pregnancy-induced hypertension. It also has the effects of tranquilizing the nerves, nourishing the liver and protecting the liver, reducing inflammation and analgesia, and preventing lung infection and hepatitis. Eat stewed pears, can increase the mouth fluid, prevent dry lips, not only protect the throat, but also pneumonia, bronchitis and hepatitis diet products.

Under normal circumstances pregnant women can eat pears, and eating pears is also good for pregnant women. However, pears are cold and wet, and pregnant women cannot eat too many pears, up to one a day.

What are the benefits of pregnant women eating pears?

Pears are sweet, crunchy and juicy, and they are a kind of fruit. What are the benefits of pregnant women eating pears? Eating pears has a certain effect on enteritis, goiter, constipation, anorexia, indigestion, anemia, urethral swelling, urinary tract stones, gout, and lack of vitamin A-induced diseases.

1, supplement the body needs vitamins: It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Like apples, it also contains oxidants that keep human cells and tissues healthy.

2, help gastrointestinal absorption: In the hot summer, the pear's delicious people can not help but devour, but the best time to eat pears is to chew slowly, in order to better allow the stomach to absorb.

3, to supplement the body needs calcium: Middle-aged friends should eat more pears in summer. It can help the body purify organs, store calcium, and at the same time soften blood vessels, which can help the blood to send more calcium to the bones.

4. Improve Anemia: People with vitamin deficiency should also eat more pears. People who are pale due to anemia, eating more pears can make you look ruddy. Pears can also purify the kidneys and clean the intestines. For patients with goiter, pears are rich in iodine can have a certain effect.

Pregnancy notes for pregnant women

1, Pear is cold to help wet, eat more will hurt the spleen and stomach, so the spleen and stomach Deficiency, fear of cold food should eat less.

2, pears contain more acid, more than stomach acid, can not eat. Pears have diuretic effects, nocturnal urination, eat less pears before going to bed.

3, blood deficiency, chills, diarrhea, cold hands and feet of patients can not eat pears, and it is best to cook and eat, to prevent the symptoms of chills worse.

4, pears contain more acid, should not be used with alkaline drugs, such as aminophylline, baking soda and so on.

5. Pears should not be eaten with crabs to prevent diarrhea.

6, for cough and phlegm, should not choose sweet pears with too much sugar.

7, pears contain high sugar, diabetics should be careful.

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